The home buying process is a significant investment, in both time and money. It may be tempting to move as quickly as possible so you can settle into your new home. But there are some key factors to consider before rushing into the purchase. Chief among those is whether you should get a foundation inspection before buying.
Most potential homeowners will hire an inspector to come and take a look at their desired home. They will do a walk-through and identify any potential trouble areas or concerning signs. Depending on the nature of the problems, you can work with your real estate agent to determine the best course of action. Which begs the question: If you are already hiring an inspector, why would you also hire someone to conduct a foundation inspection?
Inspectors are great at seeing the bigger picture, but they aren’t experts in foundation repair. If they identify symptoms of foundation trouble, such as bowing basement walls, doors and windows that stick, or stair-step cracks in brickwork, you should have an expert take a deeper look.
A foundation repair expert will conduct a thorough inspection of the home and its foundation. They will not only locate the source of the problem, but they will provide a written repair estimate.
The cost of hiring someone to conduct a foundation inspection before you buy a house could save you thousands down the road. Foundation repair can be costly, depending on the extent of the damage. A small investment upfront will help you determine next steps.
At the very least, performing a foundation inspection before buying a home will give you peace of mind. You want to make sure your future home is safe for you and your loved ones. Working with a professional foundation repair company will help you achieve that. If you would like to schedule a foundation repair inspection before buying a home, contact Virginia Foundation Solutions today!